This steel framed building’s claim to fame was the speed with which it was designed. Engineering design and specifications were prepared and coordinated with architect Hetreed Ross within a fortnight of the instruction to proceed. This enabled the work to be tendered, instructed and commenced on site to enable demolition of existing provision freeing up space for a new teaching block.
The barn is a lightweight steel frame with Yorkshire board cladding, with slabs and internal precast dividers to ease stock handling. It incoporates a small amount of teaching space, with mezzanine storage and toilet facilities. Steel frame erection is currently in progress.
Contractor Ken Biggs is battling the elements to maintain progress on a scheme that includes a sustainable drainage system and enlargement of an existing attenuation pond with weir flow control. Ironically weather has prevented early construction of the drains which as the images show would have been quite useful. Site recently requested a change in specification, for resin bolts that could be fixed under water!